-This is Lavender Tulips signing off
This blog is mostly for fun and for Language Arts class. If you enjoy reading about opinions, how people see the world, stories and more my blog is for you, if not maybe somebody else's blog is.
Sunday, June 4, 2017
This is Most Likely my Last Post
I've had a lot of fun posting on this blog these past five months. I'm probably done now. If anything super exciting happens over the summer... or I just get bored I might post again but until then goodbye!!! It was super fun reading your comments and everything!!! Have a great summer!
Fairy Garden
This post calls for some pastel colors! Cuz fairies and why not!
Every year I make a fairy garden outside. This year's fairy garden is extra cool so I thought Hey! why not talk about it? I have lots of fairies in it. You're probably thinking: Uh duh why wouldn't you have fairies in it it's a fairy garden emphasis on fairy. But some fairy gardens don't have fairies in it. Any who I also have a fairy house that's very cute. A little gnome. A really pretty path made of orange rocks. (That was my mom's, brilliant, idea.) I have a river with various creatures in it like a duck, a turtle and a frog. There is a cute little bridge crossing over the river. I also have a little pool. The bodies of water are made out of little clear blue stone/gem things. There are also some tables and chairs plus a little gazebo. There are also various animals around. There's a cat some bears (Why are bears hanging around fairies? No idea they were just cute) some dogs, turtles frogs a duck and of course horses. I have a few just hanging around and I have some in an arena made out of some rocks that. Two fairies are riding horses and I have some jumps set up. 2 years ago I made this fairy bench out of a thick piece of bark and those flowers that you get from fake leis and I can't believe it hasn't fallen apart yet but it hasn't so I put some fairies on it. I also made some houses out of old recycled pots. Over all every thing looks pretty cute. I'm planning to get more fairy houses this year but even without them this year my mom and I have made, without a doubt, our best fairy garden ever... Until next year π
Every year I make a fairy garden outside. This year's fairy garden is extra cool so I thought Hey! why not talk about it? I have lots of fairies in it. You're probably thinking: Uh duh why wouldn't you have fairies in it it's a fairy garden emphasis on fairy. But some fairy gardens don't have fairies in it. Any who I also have a fairy house that's very cute. A little gnome. A really pretty path made of orange rocks. (That was my mom's, brilliant, idea.) I have a river with various creatures in it like a duck, a turtle and a frog. There is a cute little bridge crossing over the river. I also have a little pool. The bodies of water are made out of little clear blue stone/gem things. There are also some tables and chairs plus a little gazebo. There are also various animals around. There's a cat some bears (Why are bears hanging around fairies? No idea they were just cute) some dogs, turtles frogs a duck and of course horses. I have a few just hanging around and I have some in an arena made out of some rocks that. Two fairies are riding horses and I have some jumps set up. 2 years ago I made this fairy bench out of a thick piece of bark and those flowers that you get from fake leis and I can't believe it hasn't fallen apart yet but it hasn't so I put some fairies on it. I also made some houses out of old recycled pots. Over all every thing looks pretty cute. I'm planning to get more fairy houses this year but even without them this year my mom and I have made, without a doubt, our best fairy garden ever... Until next year π
Luna ππ±π΄❤️π
I have a new love! Ever since Levi left I have been riding Tucker in my lessons. And he's okay and all but he's just not enough horse for me if that makes sense. He was bred for western riding so he can't jump any higher than I've already gone so he's not much of a challenge. He also always has his head way down and it's super hard to pull it up. But as I said before I have found a new love: (as you probably guessed by the title) Luna. She is the best horse ever. I've only ridden her for two lessons (and one was a really long time ago) but I'm already in love with her. In the lesson that I had a long time ago I didn't really realize how amazing she was. But I guess people have been working with her a lot because now... I can't even describe how incredibly perfect she is. The second I got on her yesterday I could tell that I was in love. I tried one new horse and I don't even need to look anymore because on the first try I found the perfect one. (That was sort of a weird sentence.) I got on her without anyone needing to hold her into place like Tucker (Tucker is scared of the mounting block) which was awesome. We went over a course with poles on the ground first. We walked through it so it wasn't very exciting but that was ok because it was just a warm up to get to know the course. Then Hallie (The instructor) raised the jumps to what looked to me like 6 inches. We trotted over that and Luna was amazing. Then Hallie raised the jumps to 1 foot 6 inches (the highest I've jumped) and Luna and I went over it like it was nothing. It was the most comfortable smooth course EVER!!! And then (this is the best part) Hallie set up an oxer If you already know what an oxer is you can skip this part. You can if you want to though I don't really care.π
An oxer is a type of horse jump with two rails that may be set even or uneven. The width between the poles may vary. It is more advanced than regular jumps that are just one rail. To jump it horses don't just have to jump high they have to jump far.
I've never jumped an oxer before but Luna jumped it like a pro which she is because she rocks!!! (: The oxer was 1 foot and 3 inches high and 2 feet wide. The jump felt awesome!!! It felt like we were flying. I wanted to ride a new horse and I got the best one I could've ever asked for π❤️π❤️π❤️
An oxer is a type of horse jump with two rails that may be set even or uneven. The width between the poles may vary. It is more advanced than regular jumps that are just one rail. To jump it horses don't just have to jump high they have to jump far.
I've never jumped an oxer before but Luna jumped it like a pro which she is because she rocks!!! (: The oxer was 1 foot and 3 inches high and 2 feet wide. The jump felt awesome!!! It felt like we were flying. I wanted to ride a new horse and I got the best one I could've ever asked for π❤️π❤️π❤️
Monday, May 29, 2017
Small Pet Care part 4
Jeez I've been writing for a long time today this is probably the last post of the Small Pet Care section unless you have any questions on things I've covered or need info on the things I haven't. If so comment below and I will do my best to help you with your situation or answer your question or anything else I can do.
Other Things
Leopard Geckos
Other Things
Leopard Geckos
- I know that I've said this a lot but I can't stress to you enough get gecko safe things like
- Bedding/Carpeting
- ESPECIALLY cleaners
- And anything else you're putting in with your geckos
- This is similar to the last one but rinse everything you put in with your geckos
- Don't use soap!
- Make sure nothing in your gecko's cage is sharp
- If you are playing with your gecko make sure there is nothing dangerous around like
- Sharp things
- Mouse traps
- Ant poison
- Your dog or cat (You might think you know them or "No they would never!" but a gecko looks very tasty to them)
- Geckos tend to poop in one specific spot so to make your life easier you can put a piece of paper towel down then when they go you can just lift out the towel poop and all.
- Just over all be careful geckos are delicate.
- Always think about what could happen before you do something with your gecko
- I'm sure you already know this but geckos can drop their tails so don't grab or pull them.
- I'm sure you already know this too but geckos can carry salmonella so always just assume they do and wash your hands before eating.
- Geckos are very territorial so if you are thinking of getting 2 get 2 cages one gecko might try to hurt the other so be prepared
- If you have multiple make sure to wash your hands between handling them one might have a disease that the other doesn't
Beta Fish
- Just get a filter
- They aren't that expensive
- Most come with the tanks
- They make life so much easier
- DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EVER put 2 males together they will fight and at least 1 will probably die.
- If you want to add more fish research the fish you're getting make sure that they can
- Live peacefully with betas
- Not scare betas
- And not nibble on the beta's fins
- They don't move a whole lot so don't assume they're dead
- Research your caterpillar and make sure you have the right stuff to take care of it
- If you hold it research it make sure it can't destroy your house if you lose it.
- Don't lose it... Gross
Meal Worms, Wax Worms and Crickets
- Just don't lose them that's disgusting
Small Pet Care part 3
Leopard Geckos
Leopard Geckos
- Every 1-2 months clean the reptile carpet and if you want to flip it over/
- Take out some of old bedding put in new bedding
- Take out poop
- If you want to clean the glass take out the gecko and use GECKO SAFE Cage cleaner.
Beta Fish
If you have a filter
- Every other week fill up the tank if the water gets low
- Once a month Change half the water
- Once a month put in a new filter
If you dont
- Every week change the water
- And use a baster thingy to take out the poop that you can see
Crickets and Meal Worms
- If they get moldy take out old food and put in new
- Every once in a while add extra bran
Small Pet Care Part 2
This post won't be as long as the last one. This is what I feed my Leopard Gecko, Beta Fish, Caterpillar, Meal Worms and Crickets.
Leopard Geckos
Leopard Geckos
- Crickets 2ish per day
- Meal Worms 5ish per day
- Wax worms 2ish per day
- (And of course water)
Beta Fish
- Beta Fish food pellets 2 per day.
This mostly depends on the type of Caterpillar
- Leaves
- Sticks
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Wet paper towels or cotton balls for water.
Meal Worms
- Carrots
- Orange Peals
- Potato chunks
- Most vegetables and fruits work
- Carrots
- Orange Peals
- Potato chunks
- Most vegetables and fruits work
- Wet paper towels or cotton balls for water.
Small Pet Care part 1
I'm bored so I thought I'd post something and since when I don't know what to write about I write what I know I guess I'll write about how I take care of my small pets. I'll go through set up first then food then cleaning and then other. I'll cover Leopard Geckos, Beta Fish, Caterpillars and live food for Geckos.
Set up...
For a Leopard Gecko you don't need a huge set up but here's what I recommend having
Set up...
For a Leopard Gecko you don't need a huge set up but here's what I recommend having
- At minimum a 10 gallon tank
- An under the tank heater put on one side or another. (Heat lamps are kind of a pain to deal with)
- GECKO SAFE Bedding (sometimes people just get random bedding thats bad for geckos so make sure that it's leopard gecko safe) Or a reptile carpet
- At minimum one hide preferably 2 One for the cold side one for the warm side
- A water dish preferably somewhat short so the gecko can get to it easily.
- A milk/water bottle/ect. cap full of calcium so they can lick it/ so you can roll their food in it to make their bones strong.
- A fake plant. It can be made for reptiles or fish just make sure it has a big heavy bottom or else it could fall over on your gecko.
- A spray bottle to make sure that the habitat is humid enough
For a Beta Fish set up you only need a few things.
- At least one thing that they can hide in like fake coral or barrels
- A fake plant
- A heater
- A thermometer
- -Optional- a filter it lets you not clean the tank as often.
For caterpillars I'm sort of just guessing on this one...
- A mason jar
- A lid with holes in it
- Some lettuce leaves
- Other kinds of leaves depending on the type of caterpillar
- Some dirt
- A few sticks
- Wet paper towels for water.
Wax Worms
KEEP IN FRIDGE!!! They turn into moths so I wouldn't recommend leaving them out. When you're ready to use them leave them out until they wake up then feed to your gecko.
Meal Worms
You have 2 options for these little buggers
- Keep them in the fridge with the Wax Worms and buy more all the time
- Start a colony off them.
For that set up you will need
- A large bin
- -If you want- a lid with holes in it!
- Bran
- Carrots
If you get the set up right these buggers will take off!!!
Crickets... Well
I have a very fancy cool looking set up for my crickets because for some reason it makes me less scared of them. I bought something called a bugarium and it came with all this stuff included.
Hope this was all helpful/interesting if you have a pet like this good luck!!!
Crickets... Well
I have a very fancy cool looking set up for my crickets because for some reason it makes me less scared of them. I bought something called a bugarium and it came with all this stuff included.
- A fake plant
- A wood hide
- Wood Chip like bedding.
But you can just have a normal set up with
- A normal cricket/ critter carrier
- Egg carton thingies
Hope this was all helpful/interesting if you have a pet like this good luck!!!
The School Play
Last week was the school play. I was in it and it was super fun. I had lots of parts and stuff and I needed something to post about so I'll just write about my costume and what I did for each part. The show was Jason and the Argonauts. If you haven't heard of it, it's a greek myth about a boy named Jason who's aunt has the throne of his kingdom (I was the aunt). Jason wants the throne because he is the heir to it and it is his turn to rule. So his aunt sends him to do tasks and in return she will give him the throne. She sends him to bring her the golden fleece. And along the way Jason gets a bout, a crew and encounters many friends and foes.
I was queen Pelias. I was Jason's aunt and I sent him on the quest to get the golden fleece.
I wore this costume... I also wore it around the house for two hours when I got it because I'm obsessed. I also had a crown and a scepter.
I was part of the hellespont dance. everyone had to run around in 2 circles with the "boat" in the middle. It was supposed to look like a storm. We all just wore all black. That scene wasn't all that interesting.
I was a giant I wore a shirt that sort of just looked like a scrap of fabric. I carried around a huge blow up club. I looked pretty silly. Also we all had to sing:
It was kind of silly but still fun.
I was part of the Simple Glades. Which I know sorta sounds like single ladies. That parody was already made. We wore all black. We were supposed to look like clashing rocks. We spun a lot. That scene wasn't all that interesting either.
I was an amazon warrior. That scene was really cool we wore all black and there was a super cool dance. I got to leap and then jump onto the stage and spin past another girl then run in a circle and then do a round off and jump off the stage. Everyone got to do a solo trick then jump off the stage. Then I jumped back onto the stage and we walked in a line in the shape of an 8. Then there was another solo section and I did a front handspring. We all had to wear something on our heads to make us all match.
I was a dancer on the isle of Colcus. I had to do the grapevine, turn in a circle and do jazz hands.
I was a villager. I had to scream and run away from fire breathing oxen.
I was a dragon tooth that was sewn into the soil then I rose to attack Jason with all the other cast members.
And finally, NINTH
I was queen Pelias again and I gave Jason his throne.
I was queen Pelias. I was Jason's aunt and I sent him on the quest to get the golden fleece.
I wore this costume... I also wore it around the house for two hours when I got it because I'm obsessed. I also had a crown and a scepter.
I was part of the hellespont dance. everyone had to run around in 2 circles with the "boat" in the middle. It was supposed to look like a storm. We all just wore all black. That scene wasn't all that interesting.
I was a giant I wore a shirt that sort of just looked like a scrap of fabric. I carried around a huge blow up club. I looked pretty silly. Also we all had to sing:
It was kind of silly but still fun.
I was part of the Simple Glades. Which I know sorta sounds like single ladies. That parody was already made. We wore all black. We were supposed to look like clashing rocks. We spun a lot. That scene wasn't all that interesting either.
I was an amazon warrior. That scene was really cool we wore all black and there was a super cool dance. I got to leap and then jump onto the stage and spin past another girl then run in a circle and then do a round off and jump off the stage. Everyone got to do a solo trick then jump off the stage. Then I jumped back onto the stage and we walked in a line in the shape of an 8. Then there was another solo section and I did a front handspring. We all had to wear something on our heads to make us all match.
I was a dancer on the isle of Colcus. I had to do the grapevine, turn in a circle and do jazz hands.
I was a villager. I had to scream and run away from fire breathing oxen.
I was a dragon tooth that was sewn into the soil then I rose to attack Jason with all the other cast members.
And finally, NINTH
I was queen Pelias again and I gave Jason his throne.
Monday, May 22, 2017
You should read the post before this first!!!
As I said in my last post the prompt for this post is Leaves. This is the story of a leaf.
I am Emerson Maple.
I am a leaf.
I live on a maple tree- duh
with my many brothers and sisters.
We have a happy life for the most part
here is the story of my life.
This is when I bloom.
I am new!
I am ready and excited to see the world!
I feel the days of warmth of sun
and the days of coolness and rain.
I love them both.
The sun warms my fibers,
and the rain moisturizes me.
Spring is fun.
The days are longer
The nights are shorter
The sun is shining
It's noticeably warmer.
or at least thats what the Phineas and Ferb movie says.
A warm breeze or a gentle rain
I love the Summer.
The fall is beautiful for a few days
everyone around me is turning beautiful colors.
Then I do
We are all beautiful and happy for a few days.
Than everyone starts to die.
And I am the last to go.
Goodbye world
we had a good run.
I'm dead in Winter
I have nothing left to say.
-Emerson Maple
As I said in my last post the prompt for this post is Leaves. This is the story of a leaf.
I am Emerson Maple.
I am a leaf.
I live on a maple tree- duh
with my many brothers and sisters.
We have a happy life for the most part
here is the story of my life.
This is when I bloom.
I am new!
I am ready and excited to see the world!
I feel the days of warmth of sun
and the days of coolness and rain.
I love them both.
The sun warms my fibers,
and the rain moisturizes me.
Spring is fun.
The days are longer
The nights are shorter
The sun is shining
It's noticeably warmer.
or at least thats what the Phineas and Ferb movie says.
A warm breeze or a gentle rain
I love the Summer.
The fall is beautiful for a few days
everyone around me is turning beautiful colors.
Then I do
We are all beautiful and happy for a few days.
Than everyone starts to die.
And I am the last to go.
Goodbye world
we had a good run.
I'm dead in Winter
I have nothing left to say.
-Emerson Maple
-WARNING- This post may contain content to silly for some audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.
Hey guess what's different about the prompt for the next post! Or don't. I don't really care if you guess or not. Because whether or not you do guess, I won't know! Wow that was a really good point! Thanks voice inside my head! Heh Heh...I mean... Umm... Uhh... Whaaaaat? You saw nothing. Yeah! SHHHH! I mean did you hear something? Because I sure didn't. Because that would mean I have voices in my head. And that would mean I'm crazy. We're I'm not crazy!!! Yeah! SHUT UP! Anywho. You should just tell them what's different about the prompt for the next post they seem to be getting annoyed with us. Oh yeah! Hey wait! Did I not just tell you to SHUT UP!!! What's different about the prompt for the next post is- She thought it up herself!!! Please don't yell at me. Ugh I give up. The prompt is: Leaves and I've got, what I think is going to be, a pretty good story for you. See you next time. Byeeee
This Weekend and Last Weekend all Rolled up Into One Post (Jeez that's a long title! Oops now I'm making it longer!)
I didn't do a whole lot last weekend. On Saturday I went to rehearsal for a play I'm in. I'll talk about that in a post later. Since rehearsal was at the same time as my riding lesson, as it has been for the past many weeks, I took my lesson on Sunday. It was an amazing lesson. I cantered over a one foot course with Tucker, the highest I've jumped is 1 foot 6 inches, which was really cool because I hadn't ever cantered over a whole course before. And then after the lesson I rode Tucker bareback which I've done before but this time was extra fun. Nobody else in the lesson barebacked their horses for very long so I was in the arena alone with Tucker so I put the reins down and let him wander around. I also tried to direct him around with my legs but he hasn't been trained in bareback so it didn't work out very well, but that's ok. It was a very good lesson over all.
This weekend I had rehearsal on Saturday again. We're getting close to the play so it was a dress rehearsal which means COSTUMES!!! I love costumes especially mine for this play.
And on Sunday I had a riding lesson on Tucker. It wasn't a great lesson but it wasn't bad or anything, Tucker just wasn't very responsive to what I was telling him to do. But that's alright all horses have their days. I had a different teacher in that lesson. Her name is Marissa I knew her from around the barn but I had never had her as a teacher before. She's SOOOO nice.
Anywho those were my two most recent weekends... Hope you enjoyed
I didn't do a whole lot last weekend. On Saturday I went to rehearsal for a play I'm in. I'll talk about that in a post later. Since rehearsal was at the same time as my riding lesson, as it has been for the past many weeks, I took my lesson on Sunday. It was an amazing lesson. I cantered over a one foot course with Tucker, the highest I've jumped is 1 foot 6 inches, which was really cool because I hadn't ever cantered over a whole course before. And then after the lesson I rode Tucker bareback which I've done before but this time was extra fun. Nobody else in the lesson barebacked their horses for very long so I was in the arena alone with Tucker so I put the reins down and let him wander around. I also tried to direct him around with my legs but he hasn't been trained in bareback so it didn't work out very well, but that's ok. It was a very good lesson over all.
This weekend I had rehearsal on Saturday again. We're getting close to the play so it was a dress rehearsal which means COSTUMES!!! I love costumes especially mine for this play.
And on Sunday I had a riding lesson on Tucker. It wasn't a great lesson but it wasn't bad or anything, Tucker just wasn't very responsive to what I was telling him to do. But that's alright all horses have their days. I had a different teacher in that lesson. Her name is Marissa I knew her from around the barn but I had never had her as a teacher before. She's SOOOO nice.
Anywho those were my two most recent weekends... Hope you enjoyed
A Poem from a Raindrop
I haven't posted in a while, I've been pretty busy. Here's a poem that came out of a prompt given to me once again Sophia Stordahl the one and only. I don't think I'm a very good poet but thats ok because it's fun to try anyway. Hey! that rhymed maybe I'm a better poet than I thought (Not really π ) The prompt was: Something about rain. A pretty vague prompt but I came up with something from it so that's ok!!!
Think about a raindrop.
Watch it flying high,
then falling from above.
When the winds do blow,
Watch the raindrops flow.
They fall down below.
Watch the flowers grow
Watch a flying raindrop
drip, dripping from the sky.
Watch it go by,
but never wonder why.
This is Marvin the raindrop, signing off.
Think about a raindrop.
Watch it flying high,
then falling from above.
When the winds do blow,
Watch the raindrops flow.
They fall down below.
Watch the flowers grow
Watch a flying raindrop
drip, dripping from the sky.
Watch it go by,
but never wonder why.
This is Marvin the raindrop, signing off.
Monday, May 8, 2017
A note from a Paper Weight
I have been going around and asking my friends for writing prompts. The last one was from a friend named Sophia. This writing prompt was brought to you by Elise Kumasaka. The prompt: Paper Weights. She was reading a book called paper weight when I asked her for a prompt so anywho... here I go. Also this is supposed to look like its on a lined sheet of paper. How'd I do?
-Edward Sullivan
Hello, my name is Edward Sullivan. and in case you were wondering yes. Yes I am a paper weight. I have a sad, disappointing, depressing, lonely, un-purposeful life. I am moved from paper to paper without a care it's like the peoples don't even know that I'm there. Hey that rhymed! But the peoples wouldn't care, because they don't even know Π that I'm there. Oh wait I already said that didn't I? Oh bother. I'm sorry, I'm not a very good conversationalist But I don't get much practice in speaking to people. No one talks to me. No one notices me. No one cares. No one even knows that I'm there...s. I don't even care that I've already said that I just wanted to make my statement rhyme. But it doesn't matter because no one will read this. No one talks to me. No one notices me. No one cares. No one even knows that I'm theres. It's like I said: I am a paper weight, I have a sad, disappointing, depressing, lonely, un-purposeful life. Please notice me...
-Edward Sullivan
I. Hate. Crickets. They are awful little creatures. They are creepy and crawly and icky and they get out of their cage and into my house. I would have nothing to do with them if it weren't for three of my favorite beings in the world. Harriet, Hermione and Murray. They are leopard geckos so they eat crickets which means I have to deal with them. Harriet and Hermione are the science class pets at my school. And Murray is my gecko. And guess what? They all love crickets yaaaay π . I have 4 main reasons for hating crickets.
Number 1: The big ones are super annoying because they make noise normal people call it chirping, I call it cricketing.
Number 2: They smell really weird
Number 3: I mentioned this already but it's one of the reasons I hate them. They get out of their cage and into my house. I've found 3 and my dad has found 1. Ick.
Number 4: To be honest they just freak me out. they're creepy little crawly things and I just... BLEH!!!
Number 1: The big ones are super annoying because they make noise normal people call it chirping, I call it cricketing.
Number 2: They smell really weird
Number 3: I mentioned this already but it's one of the reasons I hate them. They get out of their cage and into my house. I've found 3 and my dad has found 1. Ick.
Number 4: To be honest they just freak me out. they're creepy little crawly things and I just... BLEH!!!
Deep Sea Jellyfish
Today's prompt was brought to you by the one and only Sophia Stordahl. The prompt is deep sea jellyfish, as you probably guessed by the title of this post. The jellyfish in this story talk. -When the font is blue Ron is talking
-When the font is green Jon is talking
-When the font is turquoise they are both talking
-When the font is black the host is talking.
Hi I'm Ron!
And I'm Jon!
And we're deep sea jellyfish!
Join us tonight on the creature show with special guests
Every week the host picks a creature to run the show-
And this week it's us!
That was my line you dim-witted dunderhead! Plus we already clarified that this week's guests were us.
Sorry I'm just so excited! This is such an honor!
Calm down you sputtering sprite!
Do we have to do this now?
We wouldn't have to do this if you weren't such a blubber headed buffoon!
Don't yell at me!
Oh my- uuugh are you crying?
You made me sad.
I- You- I made you sad?
Yes what you said was very hurtful.
I made you sad? I made you- My god how did I end up with such a BEEP for a brother. And also-
OKAY!!! that's all the time we have for tonight folks! I'll see you next week on the creature show. Thanks for watching and have a great night!
Do we have to do this now?
We wouldn't have to do this if you weren't such a blubber headed buffoon!
Don't yell at me!
Oh my- uuugh are you crying?
You made me sad.
I- You- I made you sad?
Yes what you said was very hurtful.
I made you sad? I made you- My god how did I end up with such a BEEP for a brother. And also-
OKAY!!! that's all the time we have for tonight folks! I'll see you next week on the creature show. Thanks for watching and have a great night!
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Last Weekend
Last weekend was very busy. On Friday I went to the school carnival with a bunch of friends. I was really fun. I bought some bracelets a hat and I got my face painted. My friends and I won at the cake walk. We had 18 people and the other group only had 2. On Saturday my grandparents came in from Illinois. I had a recital at the Bryant Lake Bowl, which my grandparents came to. After that we went to my aunt's art crawl. She was a spotlight artist! So that was super cool. My parents, uncle and I surprised her by bringing my grandparents. We bought a piece of hers it's really pretty. After that we took my grandparents to Mavericks, a really good sandwich place. On Sunday I competed in a horse show with Tucker. We did pretty well. We did 7 events. We won 2 second places and 1 first place so that was pretty cool. I was so tired after the show. I usually have about half a day of relaxing or at least non-craziness but this weekend I didn't so I was pretty exhausted. And then on Tuesday I found out I had strep. YAAAY :( :( :( -_- ): ): ):
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Part 1
I'm going to try something new today. For the past few months I have been having a lot of writers block. So I am going to try using some writing prompts.
"Nothing," she replies
"It's when you let go that things happen,"
and just like that the world as I once knew it disappeared. Everything was black, gone, plain nothingness. Until I opened my eyes and everything was light again. But it seemed much brighter than before.
"Here you'll need these," Scarlet said, handing me a pair of sunglasses.
"Scarlet, what in the world is going on?"
"Well that depends, which world? Because this one is most certainly not the same as the world you've always known."
"What do you mean?" I ask
"This world is different than the one you used to reside in... for starters, could I do this if we were in your world?" And within one second and a flash, standing in front of me was a horse.The most beautiful horse I'd ever seen.
"What just happened? What- How- Who- Who are you?"
"I, miss Quinn Grace, am your loyal protector. My name is Scarlet Brown just as it has always been as am I. You and I have been friends since before we can remember but I have always been here for your safety."
"What happens if I push this button," I ask"Nothing," she replies
"It's when you let go that things happen,"
and just like that the world as I once knew it disappeared. Everything was black, gone, plain nothingness. Until I opened my eyes and everything was light again. But it seemed much brighter than before.
"Here you'll need these," Scarlet said, handing me a pair of sunglasses.
"Scarlet, what in the world is going on?"
"Well that depends, which world? Because this one is most certainly not the same as the world you've always known."
"What do you mean?" I ask
"This world is different than the one you used to reside in... for starters, could I do this if we were in your world?" And within one second and a flash, standing in front of me was a horse.The most beautiful horse I'd ever seen.
"What just happened? What- How- Who- Who are you?"
"I, miss Quinn Grace, am your loyal protector. My name is Scarlet Brown just as it has always been as am I. You and I have been friends since before we can remember but I have always been here for your safety."
Maybe... Possibly... I don't know probably not.
Maybe... Possibly... I don't know probably not.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
First Post of the New Quarter: Spring Break
Last week was spring break. It was really fun, and super relaxing. My family and I didn't go anywhere so I found fun things to do around here. On Friday I hung out with a friend and I went to a Lizzo concert which was amazing. On Saturday and Sunday I went to horse riding lessons. On Tuesday I went out for ramen with my dad. On Wednesday I went shopping with my mom. On Thursday I got my nails painted gel with my mom and a friend then we all went shopping. On Friday I got my hair died I got ombre streaks of turquoise fading into dark blue. On Saturday I went to horse riding lessons again. And finally on Sunday I went to breakfast with my parents then I relaxed at home for the rest of the day and played my mom in about 2 billion games of uno.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Last Post of the Quarter
Yet again I'm not sure what to write about so I suppose I'll write about my pets.
Jewel is my dog. My family and I think she's a corgi mix. She's pretty cute. She is kind of short but she's not tiny. She has a very long body but she's somewhat unproportional because her legs are very short. She has sort of a german shepherd-like coloring. She's brown and black. She is not exactly a cuddly dog and sometimes she's afraid of human contact but if you treat her gently and go slow sometimes she'll put up with a bit of cuddling. Here's what she looks like:
Murray is my leopard gecko. I got him on February 3 2017 so we've only had almost two months together but we've come very far. I adopted him from the Minnesota Herpetological Society. When I brought him home he was quite thin and terrified of me. He bit me once and would wag his tail back and forth slowly (something leopard geckos do when they see predators) all the time. But I was patient as I could be and now he's almost all the way socialized, not to mention a bit chubby. Here's what he looked like before and after I got him to a healthy weight:

Nemo is my Betta fish. He is really pretty. He has a turquoise body and red fins. I got him in July of 2016 and he has been thriving in his spacious 5 gallon tank ever since. His tank has black, neon pink, orange, yellow, green, and blue rocks at the bottom. He has a cute little temple/house thingy to swim through, a (fake) coral reef to hide in, and a pretty plant to... to... I'm not sure, to do something with. He looks like:

Mino is my pet rock. My friend Ellie is a bit silly and she started a rock adoption facility called McRonald's Rock Adoption Facility. And I said I would adopt one so I did he lives with my pot of cacti he's a rock...??? I don't know what else I'm supposed to say about him... Here's what he looks like:

Jewel is my dog. My family and I think she's a corgi mix. She's pretty cute. She is kind of short but she's not tiny. She has a very long body but she's somewhat unproportional because her legs are very short. She has sort of a german shepherd-like coloring. She's brown and black. She is not exactly a cuddly dog and sometimes she's afraid of human contact but if you treat her gently and go slow sometimes she'll put up with a bit of cuddling. Here's what she looks like:

Murray is my leopard gecko. I got him on February 3 2017 so we've only had almost two months together but we've come very far. I adopted him from the Minnesota Herpetological Society. When I brought him home he was quite thin and terrified of me. He bit me once and would wag his tail back and forth slowly (something leopard geckos do when they see predators) all the time. But I was patient as I could be and now he's almost all the way socialized, not to mention a bit chubby. Here's what he looked like before and after I got him to a healthy weight:

Nemo is my Betta fish. He is really pretty. He has a turquoise body and red fins. I got him in July of 2016 and he has been thriving in his spacious 5 gallon tank ever since. His tank has black, neon pink, orange, yellow, green, and blue rocks at the bottom. He has a cute little temple/house thingy to swim through, a (fake) coral reef to hide in, and a pretty plant to... to... I'm not sure, to do something with. He looks like:

Mino is my pet rock. My friend Ellie is a bit silly and she started a rock adoption facility called McRonald's Rock Adoption Facility. And I said I would adopt one so I did he lives with my pot of cacti he's a rock...??? I don't know what else I'm supposed to say about him... Here's what he looks like:

Tuesday, March 21, 2017
The Struggle of Messy Braids
Messy braids are amazing... If done properly. There are many things that must go right for the braid to look good and if those things do go right then my god it will. These things are:
Number 1: Your hair cannot be too short. If your braid is going to be on the side because then more hair than you want to will fall out of the braid.
Number 2: Just enough hair must be out of place (out of the braid). If too much hair is out of the braid you'll look like you just came out of a tornado or a storm or something. If no hair is out of the braid though your braid will look too perfect (which is fine if you like perfect braids, but I like my braids messy so that doesn't work for me).
Number 3: The placement of the hair-binder is very important. The placement must be perfect. If it is up too high your braid look like a fancy side ponytail (which is fine if thats what you're going for). But if the hair binder is too low, again, your the braid will look too perfect and it will look less like a messy braid.
A few days ago I riskedlife and limb my sanity to attempt a messy braid. I succeeded. The braid looked perfect. Being the idiot I apparently am I forgot how delicate messy braids are and I put my hood up because it was freezing outside and whoops! I ruined my hair.
Number 1: Your hair cannot be too short. If your braid is going to be on the side because then more hair than you want to will fall out of the braid.
Number 2: Just enough hair must be out of place (out of the braid). If too much hair is out of the braid you'll look like you just came out of a tornado or a storm or something. If no hair is out of the braid though your braid will look too perfect (which is fine if you like perfect braids, but I like my braids messy so that doesn't work for me).
Number 3: The placement of the hair-binder is very important. The placement must be perfect. If it is up too high your braid look like a fancy side ponytail (which is fine if thats what you're going for). But if the hair binder is too low, again, your the braid will look too perfect and it will look less like a messy braid.
A few days ago I risked
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Life at the Moment (because I have no post ideas right now)
This week was quite uneventful. But this weekend has been fun.
On Friday night I went to Nu Look (it's a really nice second hand store) with my mom. I bought 2 super comfy sweaters, an adorable jean jacket that I am completely obsessed with, even though I don't think I've ever owned a jean jacket before so I didn't think I'd like it but my god I do! Anywho I also bought 2 scarves. One is grey and fades into black and has fringies on it. I also bought a scarf that's bright green and fades into a darker green.
On Saturday I went to riding lessons. I got to ride Tucker and I like him a lot and I'm getting used to him now. He's a lot different than Levi so it'll take some time to get used to him. After that my mom and I went shopping. We needed tank tops, royal blue converse, and also 3 fedoras for my band. We found the fedoras and tank tops quite easily at Target. We thought Journeys would be the best place to find converse in all different colors. My mom insisted that every mall has a Journeys so we went to the mall that was the shortest drive away. You know what mall doesn't have a Journeys? the one we went too. I'm still laughing about it. Anyway so we went to another mall. Well apparently it is very hard to find a pair of royal blue high tops. Low tops come in royal blue but not high tops. But we met a super nice guy at Footlocker who helped us order some.
Well Sunday is going on right now so updates on that later.
On Friday night I went to Nu Look (it's a really nice second hand store) with my mom. I bought 2 super comfy sweaters, an adorable jean jacket that I am completely obsessed with, even though I don't think I've ever owned a jean jacket before so I didn't think I'd like it but my god I do! Anywho I also bought 2 scarves. One is grey and fades into black and has fringies on it. I also bought a scarf that's bright green and fades into a darker green.
On Saturday I went to riding lessons. I got to ride Tucker and I like him a lot and I'm getting used to him now. He's a lot different than Levi so it'll take some time to get used to him. After that my mom and I went shopping. We needed tank tops, royal blue converse, and also 3 fedoras for my band. We found the fedoras and tank tops quite easily at Target. We thought Journeys would be the best place to find converse in all different colors. My mom insisted that every mall has a Journeys so we went to the mall that was the shortest drive away. You know what mall doesn't have a Journeys? the one we went too. I'm still laughing about it. Anyway so we went to another mall. Well apparently it is very hard to find a pair of royal blue high tops. Low tops come in royal blue but not high tops. But we met a super nice guy at Footlocker who helped us order some.
Well Sunday is going on right now so updates on that later.
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
A Message...Poem? (I don't know) to Winter
What can I say?
Oh I know!
I hate you.
You keep me inside, you freeze my toes.
"Hair is perfect today?" you ask, "I can fix that I'll make it windy I'll blow around your hair 'till your do is a don't," Or if you're feeling lazy: "I'll just make it cold so you have to put your hood up and ruin your hair yourself," well let me tell you winter!!! Um...
Ugh, fine!...
Good strategy!!!
(I hate you more for the fact that your strategy is a good one!)
Only this year you have successfully ruined my hair 37 times!!!
(Yes I have been counting.)
You fill my life with pain:
You make my hands dry, myfeet everything cold.
You make my nails brittle and easy to break,
(which both of my really long thumbnails did, GRR!)
You give me more hangnails than I can count.
You make me wear a coat which:
1 covers up my outfit which Is very annoying if I'm proud of it.
2 like I said ruins my hair.
Oh my.
What can I say?
Oh I know!
I hate you.
What can I say?
Oh I know!
I hate you.
You keep me inside, you freeze my toes.
"Hair is perfect today?" you ask, "I can fix that I'll make it windy I'll blow around your hair 'till your do is a don't," Or if you're feeling lazy: "I'll just make it cold so you have to put your hood up and ruin your hair yourself," well let me tell you winter!!! Um...
Ugh, fine!...
Good strategy!!!
(I hate you more for the fact that your strategy is a good one!)
Only this year you have successfully ruined my hair 37 times!!!
(Yes I have been counting.)
You fill my life with pain:
You make my hands dry, my
You make my nails brittle and easy to break,
(which both of my really long thumbnails did, GRR!)
You give me more hangnails than I can count.
You make me wear a coat which:
1 covers up my outfit which Is very annoying if I'm proud of it.
2 like I said ruins my hair.
Oh my.
What can I say?
Oh I know!
I hate you.
Lavender Polka Dots
Apparently it's very hard to find lavender polka dots. Google thinks I'm looking for anything with white polkadots and a background of any kind of purple. And when I manage to find something with a white background the polka dots are not lavender they are purple or blue or pink or something. This is not a big deal, frankly I think it's funny, but people say google knows everything I've always disagreed and now I have proof: Google does not in fact know everything because Google does not know how to find purple polka dots. This is a pretty short and random entry but I have very few other ideas a the moment so... Sorry!
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
π¦⸝Unicorns and Dragonsπ (Part 1)
We live in a world where the unicorns are good and the dragons are evil. The unicorns are a sign of happiness to us, a sign of hope. They are the good. They save us. They come to our aid to rescue us from... well the dragons I suppose. The dragons, to us, they are evil. They're something to fear. They are the peril, the danger. But what if this world was different? What if it changed? What if the world as we know it was flipped upside down? What if unicorns were a great evil and dragons were heroes. Well all of that is what’s happening now. This is the new world so be excited or afraid, it's your choice to make. This is your world, you decide if it’s safe... or a great danger
-To Be Continued-
If I can think of more material for this story
Writing a Poem about Writing
4,500 words they tell me.
4,500 words or more.
True writing should have no word minimums or maximums.
True writing is writing and so much more.
They want us to write so they tie us all to chairs.
They tie us all to chairs, in front of desks.
They tie us all to chairs, in front of desks, shove pencils in our hands, and slap notebooks on the desks.
They tie us to chairs, in front of desks, shove pencils in our hands, and slap notebooks on the desks, and yell "WRITE!!! 150 words per side! 15 pages!!!"
This is not the way.
Lead us willingly.
Lead us willingly to blank rooms.
Lead us willingly to blank rooms tell us to do what we wish.
I would fill the walls with words, with color, with all that I can,
no limits,
no musts,
no can'ts, just me and my hands.
Maybe I'll go below their standards, maybe I'll soar above. But you know what?
It's writing.
No matter what,
It's writing.
It's yours, for you and who ever you chose to share it with.
4,500 words or more.
True writing should have no word minimums or maximums.
True writing is writing and so much more.
They want us to write so they tie us all to chairs.
They tie us all to chairs, in front of desks.
They tie us all to chairs, in front of desks, shove pencils in our hands, and slap notebooks on the desks.
They tie us to chairs, in front of desks, shove pencils in our hands, and slap notebooks on the desks, and yell "WRITE!!! 150 words per side! 15 pages!!!"
This is not the way.
Lead us willingly.
Lead us willingly to blank rooms.
Lead us willingly to blank rooms tell us to do what we wish.
I would fill the walls with words, with color, with all that I can,
no limits,
no musts,
no can'ts, just me and my hands.
Maybe I'll go below their standards, maybe I'll soar above. But you know what?
It's writing.
No matter what,
It's writing.
It's yours, for you and who ever you chose to share it with.
Flies part 2
Humans according to flies...
Humans, why are they so weird? Is it really necessary that they're around? All they do is go around squishing us! Pardon me! Where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Albuzzert Fleinstein! I invented the fliPhone but of course humans don't realize that, their huge eyes can't see our amazing creations. Aaaanywho more on humans. I honestly don't hate them but I don't understand their purpose. With their big hands, big feet, and their teeny tiny, microscopic, invisible wings, how can they accomplish anything? Well I take that back sometimes the smaller models have bigger wings but they run around claiming they're farees, whatever those are. Why don't they claim they're flies? Sometimes they claim they're our cousins that get all the credit: butterflies and bees. They get all the attention. It's so flystrating, humans always say "Ooh look a pretty butterfly!!!" or "Watch out a bee!!!" they do nothing about us except grabbing the fly squisher! Those jerks! What'd we ever do to humans?! They're so rude!!!
Saturday, March 11, 2017
So Levi's owner took him from the barn where I rode him. She wanted him closer to where she lives so she moved him. So I can't ride him anymore which kinda sucks but anyway... I met another horse. His name is Tucker. He's one of the sweetest horses I've ever met. If you stand in front of him he'll sometimes put his head on you. Cutest. Thing. Ever!!! He's a really nice horse. He is very obedient. He's fun to ride but his trot is really bumpy because he has a limp or bad back feet or something, but the riding instructor says he's fine. He's not a huge horse so he spooks pretty easily. He's super pretty, he's dark brown and really fluffy. I was told that he's 15 years old. His trot is a pretty good speed but since he limps it's kind of bumpy. It's not too hard too get him to canter, which is very nice. Like I said he's fun to ride but honestly he's no Levi.
I am in a cabin. Filled with things to see, to do. There is a big window. Out this window I can see trees and birds. 2 deer came by earlier looking for food. When they saw we hadn't put any out yet they left with disappointed looks on their faces. We put out corn for them but they haven't come back yet. I named 1 Shelly and one Bilbo, everyone thought that was funny. There is a lot of talking here, about everything. Mostly things a 12 year old wouldn't understand. There's a squirrel in the tree I'm gonna name him benny. There's a cat here, her name's Petal she's really cute. There are lots of cool decorations here especially bears and loons. There are cool things from different cultures in the bathroom. There are some cool, and some fairly creepy, masks and there's also a sword. I feel like I'm in the middle of nowhere with responsibilities that aren't in existence. For the first time in quite a while I am completely free and relaxed.
Monday, March 6, 2017
People have told me: "Lindsay you're so good at riding horses" and that is so nice and it's flattering and all but then they go on to ask "How do you do it?" Well up until this point I didn't really know how to answer that. But I've figured it out now. These (in my opinion) are the 5ish (I'm too tired to count) most important things that make a good horse rider:
Some of it is just instinct and it comes naturally for some people. Some of it is having enough experience. A lot of it is confidence and trust in yourself and these amazing creatures. But mostly it's choices. It's the choices you make to keep you and the people around you safe. But even more importantly it's the choices you make to keep your horses safe. A good rider knows if another horse is too close to your jump for you to go over it. Good riders know how and when to get out of the way if it's necessary. Even if it's your turn to go and the other person should get out of your way, it doesn't mean they will. A good rider is always prepared for any situation, problem, anything and everything. It takes a good rider to make a connection and a bond of trust with their horse and they know to keep that horse safe no matter what. That is what makes a good rider.
Some of it is just instinct and it comes naturally for some people. Some of it is having enough experience. A lot of it is confidence and trust in yourself and these amazing creatures. But mostly it's choices. It's the choices you make to keep you and the people around you safe. But even more importantly it's the choices you make to keep your horses safe. A good rider knows if another horse is too close to your jump for you to go over it. Good riders know how and when to get out of the way if it's necessary. Even if it's your turn to go and the other person should get out of your way, it doesn't mean they will. A good rider is always prepared for any situation, problem, anything and everything. It takes a good rider to make a connection and a bond of trust with their horse and they know to keep that horse safe no matter what. That is what makes a good rider.
Dog Food
I wonder what dogs see in dog food. Why does it taste so good to them? Do they like bigger or smaller kibbles better? Well forget that question most dogs probably don't care they pretty much inhale their food without chewing anyway. I was curious about what dog food tasted like once. And being 9 I ate a piece. And let me tell you it was awful. Chicken flavored? I don't think so! It had a rough gravelly texture and it tasted like salty dirt. But mostly it was just gross. I have no clue at all why my dog goes so crazy for it. It has almost no flavor at all. I understand now why she eats wood.
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