4,500 words or more.
True writing should have no word minimums or maximums.
True writing is writing and so much more.
They want us to write so they tie us all to chairs.
They tie us all to chairs, in front of desks.
They tie us all to chairs, in front of desks, shove pencils in our hands, and slap notebooks on the desks.
They tie us to chairs, in front of desks, shove pencils in our hands, and slap notebooks on the desks, and yell "WRITE!!! 150 words per side! 15 pages!!!"
This is not the way.
Lead us willingly.
Lead us willingly to blank rooms.
Lead us willingly to blank rooms tell us to do what we wish.
I would fill the walls with words, with color, with all that I can,
no limits,
no musts,
no can'ts, just me and my hands.
Maybe I'll go below their standards, maybe I'll soar above. But you know what?
It's writing.
No matter what,
It's writing.
It's yours, for you and who ever you chose to share it with.
Ooh - I really like this one!