Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Flies part 2

Humans according to flies...

Humans, why are they so weird? Is it really necessary that they're around? All they do is go around squishing us! Pardon me! Where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Albuzzert Fleinstein! I invented the fliPhone but of course humans don't realize that, their huge eyes can't see our amazing creations. Aaaanywho more on humans. I honestly don't hate them but I don't understand their purpose. With their big hands, big feet, and their teeny tiny, microscopic, invisible wings, how can they accomplish anything? Well I take that back sometimes the smaller models have bigger wings but they run around claiming they're farees, whatever those are. Why don't they claim they're flies? Sometimes they claim they're our cousins that get all the credit: butterflies and bees. They get all the attention. It's so flystrating, humans always say "Ooh look a pretty butterfly!!!" or "Watch out a bee!!!" they do nothing about us except grabbing the fly squisher! Those jerks! What'd we ever do to humans?! They're so rude!!!

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