Set up...
For a Leopard Gecko you don't need a huge set up but here's what I recommend having
- At minimum a 10 gallon tank
- An under the tank heater put on one side or another. (Heat lamps are kind of a pain to deal with)
- GECKO SAFE Bedding (sometimes people just get random bedding thats bad for geckos so make sure that it's leopard gecko safe) Or a reptile carpet
- At minimum one hide preferably 2 One for the cold side one for the warm side
- A water dish preferably somewhat short so the gecko can get to it easily.
- A milk/water bottle/ect. cap full of calcium so they can lick it/ so you can roll their food in it to make their bones strong.
- A fake plant. It can be made for reptiles or fish just make sure it has a big heavy bottom or else it could fall over on your gecko.
- A spray bottle to make sure that the habitat is humid enough
For a Beta Fish set up you only need a few things.
- At least one thing that they can hide in like fake coral or barrels
- A fake plant
- A heater
- A thermometer
- -Optional- a filter it lets you not clean the tank as often.
For caterpillars I'm sort of just guessing on this one...
- A mason jar
- A lid with holes in it
- Some lettuce leaves
- Other kinds of leaves depending on the type of caterpillar
- Some dirt
- A few sticks
- Wet paper towels for water.
Wax Worms
KEEP IN FRIDGE!!! They turn into moths so I wouldn't recommend leaving them out. When you're ready to use them leave them out until they wake up then feed to your gecko.
Meal Worms
You have 2 options for these little buggers
- Keep them in the fridge with the Wax Worms and buy more all the time
- Start a colony off them.
For that set up you will need
- A large bin
- -If you want- a lid with holes in it!
- Bran
- Carrots
If you get the set up right these buggers will take off!!!
Crickets... Well
I have a very fancy cool looking set up for my crickets because for some reason it makes me less scared of them. I bought something called a bugarium and it came with all this stuff included.
Hope this was all helpful/interesting if you have a pet like this good luck!!!
Crickets... Well
I have a very fancy cool looking set up for my crickets because for some reason it makes me less scared of them. I bought something called a bugarium and it came with all this stuff included.
- A fake plant
- A wood hide
- Wood Chip like bedding.
But you can just have a normal set up with
- A normal cricket/ critter carrier
- Egg carton thingies
Hope this was all helpful/interesting if you have a pet like this good luck!!!
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