Monday, May 29, 2017

Small Pet Care part 1

I'm bored so I thought I'd post something and since when I don't know what to write about I write what I know I guess I'll write about how I take care of my small pets. I'll go through set up first then food then cleaning and then other. I'll cover Leopard Geckos, Beta Fish, Caterpillars and live food for Geckos.
Set up...
For a Leopard Gecko you don't need a huge set up but here's what I recommend having

  • At minimum a 10 gallon tank
  • An under the tank heater put on one side or another. (Heat lamps are kind of a pain to deal with)
  • GECKO SAFE Bedding (sometimes people just get random bedding thats bad for geckos so make sure that it's leopard gecko safe) Or a reptile carpet
  • At minimum one hide preferably 2 One for the cold side one for the warm side
  • A water dish preferably somewhat short so the gecko can get to it easily.
  • A milk/water bottle/ect. cap full of calcium so they can lick it/ so you can roll their food in it to make their bones strong.
  • A fake plant. It can be made for reptiles or fish just make sure it has a big heavy bottom or else it could fall over on your gecko.
  • A spray bottle to make sure that the habitat is humid enough
For a Beta Fish set up you only need a few things.
  • At least one thing that they can hide in like fake coral or barrels
  • A fake plant 
  • A heater
  • A thermometer
  • -Optional- a filter it lets you not clean the tank as often.
For caterpillars I'm sort of just guessing on this one...
  • A mason jar
  • A lid with holes in it
  • Some lettuce leaves
  • Other kinds of leaves depending on the type of caterpillar
  • Some dirt 
  • A few sticks
  • Wet paper towels for water.
Wax Worms
KEEP IN FRIDGE!!! They turn into moths so I wouldn't recommend leaving them out. When you're ready to use them leave them out until they wake up then feed to your gecko.

Meal Worms
You have 2 options for these little buggers
  • Keep them in the fridge with the Wax Worms and buy more all the time
  • Start a colony off them.
If you are not grossed out by beetles than the second option is for you. If you buy lots of Mealworms then leave them for a while they will turn into small cocoons then beetles
For that set up you will need
  • A large bin
  • -If you want- a lid with holes in it!
  • Bran
  • Carrots
If you get the set up right these buggers will take off!!!

Crickets... Well
I have a very fancy cool looking set up for my crickets because for some reason it makes me less scared of them. I bought something called a bugarium and it came with all this stuff included. 

  • A fake plant
  • A wood hide
  • Wood Chip like bedding.
But you can just have a normal set up with
  • A normal cricket/ critter carrier
  • Egg carton thingies 

Hope this was all helpful/interesting if you have a pet like this good luck!!!

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