Jewel is my dog. My family and I think she's a corgi mix. She's pretty cute. She is kind of short but she's not tiny. She has a very long body but she's somewhat unproportional because her legs are very short. She has sort of a german shepherd-like coloring. She's brown and black. She is not exactly a cuddly dog and sometimes she's afraid of human contact but if you treat her gently and go slow sometimes she'll put up with a bit of cuddling. Here's what she looks like:

Murray is my leopard gecko. I got him on February 3 2017 so we've only had almost two months together but we've come very far. I adopted him from the Minnesota Herpetological Society. When I brought him home he was quite thin and terrified of me. He bit me once and would wag his tail back and forth slowly (something leopard geckos do when they see predators) all the time. But I was patient as I could be and now he's almost all the way socialized, not to mention a bit chubby. Here's what he looked like before and after I got him to a healthy weight:

Nemo is my Betta fish. He is really pretty. He has a turquoise body and red fins. I got him in July of 2016 and he has been thriving in his spacious 5 gallon tank ever since. His tank has black, neon pink, orange, yellow, green, and blue rocks at the bottom. He has a cute little temple/house thingy to swim through, a (fake) coral reef to hide in, and a pretty plant to... to... I'm not sure, to do something with. He looks like:

Mino is my pet rock. My friend Ellie is a bit silly and she started a rock adoption facility called McRonald's Rock Adoption Facility. And I said I would adopt one so I did he lives with my pot of cacti he's a rock...??? I don't know what else I'm supposed to say about him... Here's what he looks like:

Nice job taking care of everyone!