Sunday, June 4, 2017

Fairy Garden

This post calls for some pastel colors! Cuz fairies and why not!
Every year I make a fairy garden outside. This year's fairy garden is extra cool so I thought Hey! why not talk about it? I have lots of fairies in it. You're probably thinking: Uh duh why wouldn't you have fairies in it it's a fairy garden emphasis on fairy. But some fairy gardens don't have fairies in it. Any who I also have a fairy house that's very cute. A little gnome. A really pretty path made of orange rocks. (That was my mom's, brilliant, idea.) I have a river with various creatures in it like a duck, a turtle and a frog. There is a cute little bridge crossing over the river. I also have a little pool. The bodies of water are made out of little clear blue stone/gem things. There are also some tables and chairs plus a little gazebo. There are also various animals around. There's a cat some bears (Why are bears hanging around fairies? No idea they were just cute) some dogs, turtles frogs a duck and of course horses. I have a few just hanging around and I have some in an arena made out of some rocks that. Two fairies are riding horses and I have some jumps set up. 2 years ago I made this fairy bench out of a thick piece of bark and those flowers that you get from fake leis and I can't believe it hasn't fallen apart yet but it hasn't so I put some fairies on it. I also made some houses out of old recycled pots. Over all every thing looks pretty cute. I'm planning to get more fairy houses this year but even without them this year my mom and I have made, without a doubt, our best fairy garden ever... Until next year 😏

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