Sunday, February 19, 2017


Have you ever been ignored by a friend? I have, and let me tell you it's awful. But what's worse is if you don't know what you did wrong. Makes it pretty hard to make things right doesn't it? Being ignored is hard. It makes you feel terrible but at the same time angry because you can't fix anything if the person will simply walk away when you try to talk to them. I used to have a friend who would ignore me every time I did something they didn't like. It could be little stuff or big issues. Sometimes she would ignore me if I got mad at her just to avoid confrontation. Whatever way it was horribly frustrating. And every time I would come crawling back to this friend. I would beg for her to tell me what I did wrong, to forgive me for whatever it was I did. I did this Every. Single. Time. and believe me there were loads of times. This just showed her that her technique worked. We got through 6th grade just fine, our first year without a single fight ignoring session. I thought she had finally grew up, matured, moved on. But no, she did it again. but this was the worst of all. We went to a summer camp together we had fun for 1 day, then it happened. I noticed she hadn't been hanging out with me, we signed up for this camp together, so I tried to talk to her, I said: hey, are you mad at me? she looked over my shoulder and walked away. But this time I was not having it, I decided that no, no this time I was not crawling back. And I didn't. We haven't talked since. She is still ignoring me. Ignoring is going on all around us, people think it works, that if you ignore them your problems will go away, but ignoring doesn't work, it doesn't solve anything. Ignoring is even enforced to young kids by some adults they'll say "If someone is bothering you you could try ignoring them and they'll probably go away," well that's nice but hey, welcome to the real world. Welcome to the real world where ignoring gets us nowhere. Welcome to the real world where ignoring problems that may seem small can turn those problems into something so, so much worse. Welcome to the real world where ignoring gets you to a point where you don't know how to change your life anymore because every problem you have is bottled up inside you, ignored.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very thoughtful post. I hope writing about your experience was helpful.
