Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A Trip to Nowhere

"Where are you going on spring break?" I've been asked. "Well..." I say "I'm going on a trip to nowhere." And they laugh and think it's funny, but for some reason it sounds kind of meaningful and deep to me, like nowhere is a place or something so I thought to myself: maybe I'll blog about it...

Nowhere is a place. It is filled with nothing, nothing at all Sometimes you take yourself there willingly just to think or sort things out. You see there are no distractions in nowhere there are billions of beings in nowhere but nowhere is so vast that you will never see anyone there except you. But sometimes you are tied up and forced into nowhere against your will by people who don't believe they can peacefully coexist with you so they push you down into nowhere. But even if you are in nowhere just know that no matter what the people who love and care about you will allways help you out of nowhere if you let them.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

♥️ My Soul Mate Horse ♥️

I ride horses. I love it. Most of you know this because horses are pretty much all I talk about. I ride at Bolder Pointe Equestrian Center. It is amazing, their horses are awesome, and the people there... well I don't think I've ever met a nicer group of people. They are all really sweet and caring, and they all know what they're doing around horses. So anyway, about the picture. That's Levi. He is my favorite horse to ride. Actually he's pretty much my favorite horse in the world. He's gentle and nice, and he's generally pretty chill but, I mean he's a horse, they all have their days of being crazy and weird. He's so cute! And he always takes really good care of me:) I love him so much. Today's lesson was particularly good. We trotted, we jumped we walked a course then trotted it, we cantered to, and at the end  I rode him bareback. The whole time he was an angel. he was so good. He was super obedient, he was at a good speed, and he was super calm the whole time. Definitely one of the best lessons I've ever had. And I hadn't ridden Levi for about 3 weeks so it was really nice to ride my soul mate horse again. I love him so much. There are no words I could use to properly describe how much I love him and how amazing of a horse he is ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Art of Being Sick

When you're sick you tell yourself: "I'm going to go to bed early, maybe I'll feel better in the morning if I get a little extra sleep tonight," but it never works out. You get in bed, you realize you forgot to turn the lights off so you get up and turn them off, you try to fall asleep. Ten minutes later you're still awake. Whether you're up because you feel disgusting or you're up because you're coughing your lungs out, falling asleep just. Does not. Work. You relax, you count sheep, and once you run out of sheep you count goats, you count backwards from  10, then 20 but nothing does any good. Now it's an hour later than you wanted to go to bed and you're nowhere near falling asleep. You wonder: would sleeping have worked out if I just went to bed when I usually do? This is the painful and unenjoyable art, of being sick.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

If you don't care what I did today don't read this post. 

This morning was pretty uneventful. I woke up, brushed my teeth, got dressed, forgot to eat breakfast, and walked to school as usual. I got to school and I held Hermione, the science class gecko that I absolutely love, in advisory, I went to Math, Language Arts, and Spanish class. I then ate lunch: a half decent cheese burger (one of their better meals),  went to U.S. Studies, Choir, and Science where I held Hermione again (yay). Then I walked home. when I arrived my parents were already there this is a rare situation they're almost never home when I get home. I found out later that they were meeting a guy to talk about getting a new door. We are also getting a new dining room light so we got to go to a light store. I've passed this light store thousands of times but I had never gone in there until today. I don't think I've ever even seen a person in there until today... I used to think the store was run by ghosts. Lets just say I can now confirm that it isn't, what a disappointment.

Peaceful Coexistence

  1. the state or condition of living in harmony despite different ideologies or interests.

    "what is needed today is peaceful coexistence"
    • the state or fact of living or existing at the same time or in the same place.

      "a remarkable coexistence of two profoundly different artistic traditions"

  2. Peaceful coexistence, it's something I've believed in for a long time. It isn't as complex a thing as many believe it to be. It involves 3 simple values: 1 Respect of people's beliefs and feelings,  ect. 2  Acceptance of who and what people are or chose to be. 3 Common decency and courtesy be aware of people around you. If someone is having trouble carrying a big load of stuff if you don't want to help carry it at least get out of the way. This one may seem small but it makes a big difference: don't walk into people. It is quite easy to turn slightly sideways so you don't bump into them. These are, in my opinion, are the most important steps to peaceful coexistence.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Sometimes I think of ordinary things in color, days of the week, numbers, words, and sometimes ordinary objects. Monday is a dark orange, maybe because Mondays are somewhat of a mix of an angry and annoyed day. Tuesday is a deep blue, possibly because on Tuesdays I am sad because reality has caught up to me and I am now falling into a pit of despair at the fact that I have to survive through another week. Wednesday is bright yellow, because I've probably calmed down about the fact that that the weekend is over and fortunately I'm now only a few days away from a new one. Thursday is a light optimistic green, because I'm excited at the fact that the weekend is close. Friday is crimson, because I'm happy, I've survived through the week and I'm almost done. Saturday is a lavenderish purple, because I'm relaxed, calm and pleased, not a care in the world. and Sunday is sort of a gold I'm not sure why... I hate Sundays they're my anxiety day because I was so relaxed on Saturday that I forgot about homework and I have stuff to do today and yaajenschmoogargleseeep!!! is running through my head because I have lots of stuff to do today other than homework. But it all turns out fine in the end and there was nothing to worry about after all.